Mirror Frame Samples with Rabbet

Mirror Frame Samples with Rabbet are easy to order. Your mirror frame samples come in a corner or a chip size. These will allow you to easily match against your counter tops, your back splash or you faucets colors. Choosing several samples will allow you to see in person which mirror frame will look the best in your bathroom. You wont have to worry about what your order will look like in person when it arrives. Take the guesswork out of ordering. Know that your mirror frame will match and will look fabulous before your order even arrives.

Our Frame moulding samples that have a rabbet are for the new home constructions or the homes that do not have an existing wall mirror in their bathroom. You simply order the samples you would like to try in chip or corner size and once you decide on which one you love you simply place the order online. Once your order arrives you will follow the instructions to assemble and it will only take ten minutes of your time and a screwdriver. Then you will attach a mirror into the frame. You will place the mirror hangers on the back and simply hang on your wall. This makes things easier if you decide to change out the mirror in the future. You just simply lift the mirror frame off the hangers and your wall/paint will be undamaged. You will wonder why in the heck you hadn’t done this sooner!